“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
– Mark Twain
Become a member
Alameda Fitness & Spa members love the cleanliness, variety and convenience that being a member of one of the Bay Area’s top fitness clubs offers.
Whether they come to experience the spa, multiple spacious cardio areas, racquet ball courts, enjoy access to expansive free weight areas, or the clean warm swimming pool, our members fully enjoy being part of the Alameda Fitness & Spa community.
Check out our membership plans to see which membership is right for you.
Move your body
When there are no classes or studio rentals scheduled, members are welcome to use our aerobic studios for personal use.
Practice your dancing skills, martial arts, ballet etc. upstairs in our huge Studio 1. This studio is air conditioned, fully mirrored and features spring loaded floors.
Come hit a few punching bags and get a killer workout on one of our speed bags on the first floor in Studio 2. Work out sore or tense muscles on a padded table or the wall bar in our quiet stretching room.
Call anytime to check on availability.